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Trabajos | Android - Developing - Kotlin

PlanetToday App

Android App Planet Today

This is a personal project that I am developing as I learn the Kotlin programming language. I started it a long time ago with Java taking it as a simple hobby, but now I have seen an opportunity to put into practice what I am learning in a self-taught way with Kotlin, and what is the best way to learn if not by practicing?

It is an app that collects news about movies, tv shows, comics, video games, etc... from different websites, classifies them and shows them to the user in an orderly and simple way, with their image, title and summary, allowing them to access to the website of the original new if the user wants to read it in its entirety. Although it seems like a simple project at first glance, at a technical level it is quite complete since it ranges from the development of a dynamic GUI, to network operations, dynamic loading of images, personalized user configuration, resource management, etc...

Due to the assignments and jobs that are coming out continuously, I have it a bit abandoned, and some of the news servers are down or have changed the format of the feed and it does not take them correctly, corrections that I will have to add in the updates of the app.

Right now it is in beta, but it can be downloaded from Google Play.

The informative web for the app is a simple page created with my own CMS that I am working on, and that uses bootstrap templates as themes.

PlanetToday App